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Present Knows Now

When something present becomes a memory, where does it go? As life seems and feels repetitive, could everything in the present be a recomposition of the past? Present Knows Now is a dialogue between three screens and wrapped objects, showing altered memories to think of possible future lives they might have.

spreads gif

Blending of Time

To be is to have time and to have time is to perceive the temporal. While encountering the ‘Luchtbrug’ what struck us, was its everydayness. Fatal contextual changes, gradual spark of the senses, and multiple linear paths crossing. Easily overlooked because of the ‘being’ you are at that time and what is viewed as meaningful. As time continuously moves and so do we ‘beings’, what exactly changes in our temporal context? ‘Blending Of Time’ is an immersive dialogue created to highlight time and translate the temporalities that make our time in their extreme detail. In our pursuit to something, the meaningful tends to appear and disappear. As you’re reading this, did you notice the sunshine? To be there (Dasein), ‘Blending Of Time’ reevaluates the meaningful through constructing and reconstructing these existential temporalities.

flowers invite expo exhibit poster poster poster flowers


Pavimento is a new born. A collective of visual artists, sound designers, and graphic designers. With an aim to set apart and challenge boundaries of both their medium and the mainstream, their work can be seen as unconventional and dares to zoom in. Pavimento is born from personal vision and allows to dream. We like harsh breaks and no guides. Laying bricks, a forever work in progress.

installation video

Live Visual Practice

For research purposes, I like to experiment with my visuals (videos, images, graphics) to come to new outings and translations of my ongoing research. It’s a way to actively engage with what you have in combination with a present crowd that immediately interacts with your work. Because the work is directly presented in a specific context, it gives immediate feedback. ‘If I present it this way, does my message come across or does it work better this way? Should this be shown longer or just in phases?’ It also helps me stay in touch with the research through making part of the project.

flowers invite expo exhibit poster poster


Geesegoose is a duo consisting of Giovanni Benetello and I. Born during our time in art school, it was an effort to explore visual experimentation and aesthetics with video and graphics. Mostly done in a club setting, our aim was to make it fun and attention drawing.

ja toch ja toch ja toch

Black Social Life

Black Social Life is a hybrid publication in the form of a plexiglass cubicle and an online archive of academic sources and Twitter tweets highlighting black people’s influence in cyber culture. The online archive is presented under chaptered ‘hashtags’ to perform as if it was a Twitter feed. The plexiglass cubicle performs as an extension of the head. Allowing the viewer to enter the realm of Twitter, they are presented tweets that have moved cyber culture greatly.

ja toch invite expo exhibit poster poster poster flowers


For my projects without a home. These are visual experiments with material and composition.